Live Lasota Strain Vaccine For Protection Against New Castle disease in poultry
PER DOSE: Attenuated live Newcastle disease virus, La Sota strain: 106.5 - 108.5 EID50
INDICATIONS: Chickens, Layers and Breeders: Prevention of Newcastle disease.
ADMINISTRATION ROUTE: Oculonasal, oral or spray.
The first cloned live ND Lasota (strain clone 30) vaccine that gives maximum protection and minimum post vaccination reactions in chicken.
Indications: Immunization of healthy chickens and turkeys against Newcastle Disease.
Method of administration: The vaccine can be administered by spray, by ocular or nasal instillation or through the drinking water.
To check for the latest pricelist, contact or download updated vaccines pricelist.
Address: 713 J.P. Rizal, Malanday (Lamuan)
Marikina City 1807, Philippines
Tel: (+63 2) 535-8062
Fax: (+63 2) 535-8062
Mobile: +63 929 842 1818
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.